In this calendar year stage, the majority of us are hopeful about what we will finish by the end of the year. Our teams and I hurry to finish, burn out the energy, go through the motions, or get sloppy trying to finish the job promptly.
Instead of going through the motions of the road, let’s take a break.
We should invest an hour today to get ready for a beautiful year-end. Here’s how:
- Cold hard Optimism Utilizing the concept that Jim Collins calls the Stockdale Paradox, let’s begin by examining our mindset. We must be honest about the facts, cold and hard regarding where we’re at, and be confident that we’ll be able to finish the job. Believing that we are only realistic or optimistic will not work. In this uneasy tension between the real and the sought, we must find the best way forward.
- Define the Year-End Goal With the current state of affairs currently, how would be a successful year-end?
- Let the Light Shine on the Obstacles Make a list. What are our personal and the team’s obstacles, e.g., attitudes, beliefs, routines, conflict administration, outdated methods? Are there external challenges causing the problems, such as client and talent markets, supply chain pricing, competition, cost? What are the possible mind-numbing distractions, e.g., food, social media or drinks, substances, or even work?
- Clear the decks. Then, use the technique that Brandon Schaefer refers to as Intentional Neglect. (Tip of the cap to Brandon for showing me this technique.) We will declare, « Hell, yes! » to some things, and « Hell, no! » to all other things. Based on this list, create two shortlists and one longer one: (1) What are you planning to accomplish? (2) What do you delegate to others? (3) What do you plan to delay until at least the beginning quarter of the following year?
- Document it. Make sure you capture the year-end goal as well as your « Hell, yes! » items in only five statements or goals. For each goal, write down not more than five goals. Since we’re intentionally inattentive, it is best to be with the premise that less is more. Three or two objectives with three to four measures? Hell, yes.
- Delivery It Now Go. Every week, when you meet with your team, use your « Hell, yes! » list to establish the following steps and keep each other accountable.