Five tips for young people feeling anxious.

Five tips for young people feeling anxious.

Everyone experiences anxiety now and then when confronted with situations that are unclear, frightening, or challenging. Anxiety is a human instinct and is designed to protect us from threats. It can be felt as unease or anxiety. There are also physical signs that can be seen, like an increase in heart rate, breath rate-related headaches or stomach problems, and stomach issues, to name a few.
Young people, in particular, undergo a lot of transitions and experiences, which is why anxiety is a common thing to experience. The COVID-19 pandemic created a brand new series of issues, which has increased the chance of anxiety.
It’s not easy to feel overwhelmed. It can be overwhelming, but we can take steps to stop it from becoming a major issue. Here are five steps to follow.

Take a deep breath

Breathe slowly through your nose, and then exhale slowly by mouth. Repeat this several times until you feel more relaxed. Intentionally taking slow, slow belly breaths is one of the most simple and effective ways to decrease anxiety levels since it boosts the flow of oxygen for our brains and creates a sense of peace. Breathing too fast can be a problem in times of anxiety and causes physical signs like tingling in the body, which can cause increased anxiety. It’s possible to incorporate regular breathing exercises into your routine. You can even experiment with methods of gradual relaxation of muscles (where you relax and tighten specific muscles). This can help ease your body and clear your mind of thoughts of anxiety.

Speak to a trusted person you trust or a friend

Let them know what you’re feeling and ask how they’re feeling too. Speaking to others can help alleviate some of the pressure we create within our minds. It can also aid in figuring out the issues that are causing or contributing to anxiety. Keep in mind that you can provide help to someone anxious as well – consider making contact with someone this week.

Go back to the basics

If our most basic needs, such as sleep and eating well, aren’t being met, it is easy to become anxious and out in a bad way. Take care of your physical health this week by focusing your attention on getting adequate sleep and eating well, as taking part in some physical exercise. See how much difference this can bring about. Many people consume caffeine or use substances such as alcohol and tobacco to alleviate anxiety. However, these actions will cause us to feel more anxious over the long term.

Incorporate calming activities into your daily routine 

Try to dedicate at least an hour engaged in something that relaxes you, for example, reading a favorite book or drawing or writing. Limit the things that can make you feel anxious, such as constantly updating your newsfeed or feed on social media. Being unprepared and stressed can create an abundance of stress and anxiety. If you’re aware of an important event due, such as an exam at school or the date at work, you should try to make a plan and allow yourself the time to plan your preparation.

Seek additional support

Suppose you’re regularly having anxiety-related issues which are affecting your everyday life. Take note of whether your anxiety hurts your overall quality of life studying, work, relationships, and the ability to look after yourself or is out of the range of how you would normally react in an emergency. If you are feeling overwhelmed to manage on by yourself, the school, health clinic, or any other services for the community can help you. The right to seek help is a human right and an act of courage – it demonstrates self-awareness and the courage to face a difficult situation. If you’re not sure what to do, talk to someone you trust, or search online for assistance in your area.

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