The Oracle of Omaha: Warren Buffett and His Long-Term Value Investing Approach

Warren Buffett is one of the most renowned investors of all time and the chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is widely known for his long-term, value-based investment approach, which has proven highly successful.


Warren Buffett was born in Omaha, Nebraska in 1930 and began investing at the age of 11. After college, he moved to New York to work on Wall Street before returning to Omaha in 1956 to start his own investment firm.

Notable Investments

Buffett’s strategy is to purchase great companies at good prices. Over the years, he has made many successful investments such as Coca-Cola, American Express, Gillette and Wells Fargo. He is also known for his investment in Berkshire Hathaway, which he purchased in 1977 for $14.6 million. Berkshire Hathaway is now worth over $250 billion.

Annual Letter to Shareholders

Each year, Warren Buffett writes a letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders regarding his investment philosophy and the company’s performance. In his letters, he emphasises the importance of long-term investing, protecting one’s capital and being patient and disciplined. His letters are widely read by investors and have become some of the most influential investment documents ever written.

Potential Criticisms and Mistakes

It is important to note that Warren Buffett has made some notable mistakes. For instance, he was one of the few investors who failed to anticipate the dot-com bubble in the late 1990s. Additionally, some have criticised Buffett for his reluctance to invest in technology stocks and for his refusal to invest in index funds.


Warren Buffett has become one of the most successful investors in the world due to his long-term, value-based investment strategy. His annual letters to shareholders are some of the most widely read and influential documents in the investment world. While his approach has proven successful, there are potential criticisms and mistakes that investors should take into account when considering his investment philosophy.   

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